You can set the frequency, amplitude, DC offset and waveform of your signal.
The signal generator is based on ISO-TECH GFG 2004 with similar characteristics. The breadboard window is basically a Chromium window, so like on any webpage, you can hold the Ctrl key and use the mouse wheel to zoom in, in case the graphics appear too small for you. Although there's no LCR meter built-in (yet), you can come up with clever ways of measuring the real values with the tools provided. The real value of these components will be a random number within the tolerance specified. You can add new components by clicking the buttons below the breadboard area, where you can also set their value and tolerance. You can rotate and remove circuit components by right clicking on them. The terminal and bus strips are connected inside the breadboard in the conventional way. You have the breadboard for a reason, don't try connecting things in thin air. When using jump wires, at least one end should be plugged into the breadboard. You can connect blue dots with jump wires and purple dots with coax cables. To disconnect two components, double click on one end of the wire. To unselect a terminal, click on empty space. To connect two components, first highlight one terminal of the first one (a blue or purple dot will appear), then double click on it, this will select the terminal. There are two types of wires: simple jump wires and coax cables with BNC connectors (marked with a thicker line). You can setup your circuit in this window by connecting circuit elements with virtual wires. Because of this, you are also expected to get sightly different results as your peers. This way, values appear random, but are deterministic and reproducible. To achieve this, your student number is used to seed the pseudo-random generators. This is necessary, because there are various random elements in the simulation, such as exact values of circuit components within tolerance and others, but we need to ensure that the devices work consistently between your takes. When starting the application, please enter your student number in the breadboard window. This program has 4 windows: breadboard, oscilloscope, signal generator and multimeter.
Resonance curve and phase plot in RLC demo Breadboard simulator
You can adjust the sliders to update the plots. This is an interactive plot of the resonance curve of an RLC circuit. The package comes with two programs: RLC demo and Breadboard simulator. Virtual breadboard equipped with an oscilloscope and signal generator to simulate simple analogue circuits.